Thursday, 21 June 2012

Analysis 1: The Change Up Trailer

The close up used early on in the trailer of Dave's face as he is being hit in the face by his child's poo is a classical example of visual humour. The shot helps to bring across Dave's distress at having to change his child and his attitude towards parenting. Whereas the wide shot used when Mitch has a women undress infront of him is used to show the scene. This shot shows us that Mitch is slightly worse off than Dave, as his apartment is untidy and he's dressed in scruffy clothing compared to Dave's pajamas. When they bring the two characters together they use a two shot to show the contrasts between them. The contrast in clothing and overall appearance shows how their lives differ from each other. We get the oppertunity to compare them again with the use of a long shot, showing Dave and Mitch urinating into a fountain. It then changes to an extreme close up of the fountains face, from this we can tell that something 'magical' has happened, which turns out to be 'the change up'. Finally an over the shoulder shot is used to bring across the distress on Mitch's face (Dave's mind) as he realises that he's looking at himself.

Cross cutting is used right from the beginning when the camera cuts between the baby monitor, Dave and his wife. This is used to show their reluctance at wanting to get up and see to the baby. They then zoomed in on Dave as he's sat with his children, this shows how trapped he is by his duties as a father. When  Dave and Mitch are sat at the bar talking about Mitch's women, they use a shot reverse shot to show Dave's confusion at what Mitch is explaining, this shows how he is missing out due to his commitments. A final shot reverse shot is used as Mitch (Dave's mind) opens the door to reveal his body (with Mitch's mind) stood infront of him, this technique is used to show the apparent shock and horror on each of their faces at their dilemma.

From the beginning Dave is portryaed as being the well off, settled husband. This is brought across by his smart dress, mainly suits and smart pajamas. In contrast to this Mitch is always in rather scruffy clothing which shows that he is less succesful but probably more casual and relaxed in his approach to life. Various props are used to bring across the two mens contrasting lifestyles, Dave owns a large house and a range rover, which brings across his success and his wealth. In contrast to this Mitch is less successful as he lives in an untidy apartment and owns a bicycle, however he seems happy. The prop of the fountain is used to bring across the 'change up' as they make their wish come true and their lives are swapped. This makes the fountain vital despite its short onscreen time. Another prop, this time used to bring across humour would be the babies poo, as Dave gets hit in the face by it and it makes us laugh as its an amusing scenario to be in. Also the lighting used when portraying the two characters, as Dave is put in a more high key lighting which brings across his success, in contrast to Mitch who is constantly in low key lighting which puts emphasis on his unsuccessful lifestyle.

They use ambient sounds through out the trailer, in the form of crying, urinating and farting. These are used to bring across humour. However the crying is also a dominant sound at the beginning of the clip as it puts emphasis on how trapped Dave is and how his children are priority. Non diagetic music is used when Dave (Mitch's mind) is in bed and Dave's wife comes in, the music is rather suggestive and supposed to create a sexual mood, however it is then ruined by the ambient sound of her farting while on the toilet, which creates a typical comedy moment. In contrast to this diagetic sound is used when the lightning strikes after they've made their wish, this is used to show that something strange is about to happen and we later find out that it signalled the 'change up'. Finally dialouge is used by the characters to create funny moments. A good example of this is when Dave and his wife are woken by the baby crying, Dave's wife said "It's your turn" and Dave responds with "I'm awake" this shows how trapped he is by his children and how even though he is successful he will always be tied down by his commitments. In contrast when the girl breaks into Mitch's apartment and says "What am I tonight?" this shows how he's used to lot of female attention and isn't tied down by children or marriage.

In this trailer they use alot of stereotypical comedy techniques. The poo in the face is a classic funny moment, as it just makes you laugh at his unfortunate situation. Another technique used is when Dave (Mitch's mind) and his wife are in the bedroom and the sexual moment is ruined by Dave's wife going to the toilet very loudly which puts Dave (Mitch's mind) off completely. Another techique used is the various dialouge conversations throughout the trailer, a prime example of this is when Dave doesn't understand what Mitch is describing and Mitch says "You're married", this is a brilliant example and also shows how constrained Dave is by his marriage.

In the trailer they also use conventional trailer techniques, for example the various onscreen texts are stereotypical for a trailer as they help to tell you when the film is, who the characters are and other pieces of vital information. Also this trailer introduces the characters and gives you a slight insight to their lives. This is an important convention in a movie trailer, as it's useful at drawing in customers however they've done well not to show too many funny clips and give too much away.

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