Monday, 9 July 2012

Film Magazine Front Cover Analysis: Inglourious Analysis

Typography: The font style used on this cover is basic sans serif font, this makes it clear and bold which is easier for the readers to see and read from a distance. Also the use of the bold military style font helps to relate it to the genre of the film which will entice readers. The different sizes used helps to make various coverlines stand out more, for example, 'Greatest Movie Moments' has been written in a larger font which makes it stand out more and is more likely to catch the eye.

Layout: The layout of the magazine cover is quite cluttered. There are lots of coverlines arranged all over the page and its quite hard to follow and a lot to take in at once. However this works well as you're more likely to stop and read it due to this unusual style. It does also follow the route of the eye as you run your eye along the top of the page then down through the image to the coverlines down the left hand side and then along the bottom to the main headline on the page 'Inglourious Epic Is Here' which is made larger to stand out as it's the main story and links to the image.

Colour: The colour scheme is well thought out as its rather metallic and ties in nicely with the image, so they've themed it to the story within the magazine. Also the font colours used are well thought out as the red could connote for the blood that would have been shed within the film also its usually associated with war and death. The red also stands out on the metallic background which helps to make it stand out more, however this is true of the white text as well, the white stands out on the background and therefore makes it easier to pick out and to read for the audience.

Images: The main image of Brad Pitt is supposed to come across as him being fierce but funny at the same time, this is done by the use of the knife he's holding however the strange facial expression is supposed to make you laugh rather than be afraid of the character. Also the rough old army coat he's pictured in suggests the nature of the film that it will be an action film however a hint of comedy will accompany it.

Mode of Address: They've included various buzz words like 'exclusive' to help make various pieces of information stand out more and entice people to buy the magazine and read more. However they've included rather informal words such as 'Wowser' this suggests that the magazine is aimed at teenagers and not the film addicts that would enjoy reading about the technical sides of the film, rather than the latest gossip about the actors within.

Conventions: The magazine has tried to change its appearance to adopt more of an action theme to it due to the nature of the film. This will have been done to try and persuade people who enjoy films of the action genre. Also the stereotypical use of buzz words and coverlines are techniques used consistently  by magazines to get people to notice the magazine and want to read the story's featured within the magazine.

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